Selecting Elders in the New Testament

Before we can select Elders in our day and time it is imperative as students of the Bible that we understand how Elders were selected in the day and time of the early church.
One thing is clear to me… they were not selected by the congregation as we typically do today.
Paul instructs the young Evangelist Titus to “appoint Elders in every city” (Titus 1:5).
Paul also gives the young Evangelist Timothy authority to determine which Elders should receive financial support from the congregation (1 Timothy 5:17) and he gives him authority (not the other Elders) to receive “accusations” against an Elder (1 Timothy 5:19)
In fact, Paul was doing just what he instructed instructed Titus and Timothy to do… He and Barnabas “appointed Elders in each church” (Acts 14:23)
In conclusion, in the New Testament Elders were selected by knowledgeable, spiritually mature men (Evangelists) based upon qualifications (1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1) given by the Apostle Paul.

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