Living Memories

July 11, 1998, three days after Dad passes
Dear Geviene,
Bill just asked why I wasn’t sleeping. I didn’t really have an answer, but I got up to put words on a page, I hope there’s some meaning in them when I’m through.
For months my family has prayed for yours and when I would hear Grant pray for “Bro. Perkins”, it made me sad that he didn’t really know him and also glad how the circle of life flows. Someone who was so real to me was also real to my son, but in a very different way.
I felt comforted today. The service was so comforting to me. Words were expressed so well what echoed in my brain of memories. I was a kid – just a girl who had friendships and fun in your home. But I too – took away much more than the fun. As an adult, as a parent, as a wife, I draw from all those experiences. I know that I always will too. I have them so clearly in my head & my heart. As much as Arlene & Robert, as much as Robert & Martha, you and Bob are examples for me. I thank you for that.
It was good to see the family. I‘m sorry I wasn’t able to stay & visit. I’m so glad you broke in the line before the service – I needed that hug! But as I saw them & heard them speak and pray, it became clearer to me... Clearer like when I would read a fantastic article that Greg had written in a church bulletin; clearer as I heard a beautiful prayer while visiting in Corpus; clearer as I sat by a grand-daughter at a tea & listened to the childish conversation, clear that he will continue in the lives of those who he has touched... His family the most – but me in a small, yet big way. Maybe it was big because of where I was in my life; I soaked up a lot. I am so glad.
I am sorry for your loss. It is great. I know you’ll find peace in Christ & through him. The memories will be a comfort too – wherever your walk now takes you. They will not fade. My memories will continue to guide me & encourage me. Thank you. I just wanted to let you know what I felt. The love & appreciation I have for you & your family. You will continue to be in my family’s prayers.
May God comfort & strengthen you.
Much Love

Shared Family


Faithful Love, Quiet Mercies and Unknown Kindnesses