Faithful Love, Quiet Mercies and Unknown Kindnesses

Dad was sick for about a year before he finally passed. During that time a host of letters, cards and emails came through. I asked mom if I could have them and since she is down sizing she passed them to me. I cried most of the time as I was reading through all of it. I am publishing a few on our family page because a lot of my nephews and nieces were so young when Dad died that they don't remember him very well. My parents were incredible people. How lucky for me and my brothers.
June 21, 1998 (18 days before dad passes)
My dearest Bob and Geviene, words are very hard to come by when your heart is so full of gratitude. When someone has helped your family in so many ways it seems “thank-you” is inadequate. However, I came across a couple of lines on a book that brought you both to mind immediately.
When I was so tired I didn’t think I could move and I had no idea how I was going to clean house and care for our brand new child, Geviene and Carolyn came through the door and answered all my prayers. It was a small thing to you, but it was a mountain to me. Not only did you care for my physical needs but you also set an example of Christian love that has been with me from that moment. While that seemed like a mountain the next problem you solved was a whole mountain range. When we lost our home and everything else your offer to buy our house was wonderful and such a load off our shoulders. It made it much easier for us to get back on our feet knowing you were willing to help. Jack had a hard time understanding such love and kindness from outside his worldly family. It was a wonderful example for us both.
Through the years, with 3 growing children, you have been a great resource for love, examples, words of wisdom. For all this I thank you from the depths of my heart.
The book I was reading was “Good News from North Haven”. It is a fictional account of a small town and the members of a small Presbyterian church. The author is a Presbyterian minister and it’s a mix of churches and people he has dealt with. In a chapter entitled “The Little Things” he comes to a wonderful conclusion about how important little things are- “They are important because the mark a man or woman makes on this world is most often a trail of faithful love and quiet mercies and unknown kindnesses.”
This is you my dear friends. I hope the remaining time will bring you comfort and peace and that we will meet again in a far better place. With deep affection and gratitude.
I've changed a few names.

Living Memories


Facing Death with Gratitude