Jesus is in Control

Jesus and the Jewish leadership had the same idea… the Jewish leadership planned to arrest Jesus and kill him at the Passover feast and Jesus planned to give himself up and die at the Passover feast.
Jesus was in complete control over the events that surrounded his arrest, interrogation and death. Jesus planned the exact day he was going to die… Thursday, the 14th day of Nisan (Jewish calendar), the day when the Passover lamb was to be killed for the sins of Israel would be the same day Jesus would be killed for the sins of the world.
Jesus knew the exact hour that he would die and instead of his life ebbing from his body and slipping into unconsciousness, Jesus with a strong voice announced his death, stating, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”. Then he bowed his head and died well before he was expected to die.
The Jewish murderers of Jesus thought they were in control of everything but instead were in control of nothing. Their efforts to preserve their political standing with the Roman government by eliminating Jesus would have the opposite effect. Forty years later in AD 70, God would send the Roman armies to annihilate the Jews in retribution for their rejection of Jesus. Remember… God is in control of everything.

The Elephant in the Room


Emilio Sanchez Funeral