We were able to go to the viewing for Emilio and his funeral. The viewing was more emotional… Tabby and Trey both got up and said some things about their Dad. Of course, we dismissed services at the building on Wednesday evening and had our service at the funeral home. Walker led singing and David had some very fine scripturally based things to say about Emilio. If we had kept the service at the building that would have been like studying the theory of Christianity… By having it at the funeral home it was more like practicing Christianity, i.e. comforting some of our grieving members.
Most of you know that the Sanchez family had been through some trying times. Emilio and Liz divorced and both remarried. Emilio divorced his second wife about the time he was diagnosed with cancer. From that moment in time Liz took over primary care of Emilio. After all she said Emilio was the father of her children. She either took him to the doctors, to MD Anderson or to San Antonio for treatment or she recruited people to do it for her. She made sure he was eating right and made sure he was taking his medications. She even moved him into the apartment complex she managed so he could be closer to receive better care. All of this with the consent of her second husband… Such incredible people.
I got to visit Emilio some but David Smitherman did more. During the last six months of his life Emilio was penitent and worked to repair the damage to God and to his family. I’m convinced that he’s with God even now.
I was impressed with all the cops at the funeral. I’ll bet there were about 150-200. Many of them filed down the aisle and one after another paid their respects at the coffin and then to the family. All dressed in their dress uniforms with their side arms on their belts… Somber faced working men… a brother-hood of cops. Our Christian-hood was there as well, soldiers of Christ paying our last respects to our fellow soldier in Christ and to his family… our family.
Remember Emilio and don’t forget to care and comfort for his children… Trey and Tabby.
I’ll never forget Emilio because we share a day… Nov 17 the day he was reborn is also my birthday. God bless you Emilio.