Prior to his crucifixion Jesus had a long conversation with his disciples. He was preparing them for when he would be gone and for what their duties would be after he was gone.
In, John 15:1-8, he told them that he had some expectations of them… they would need to be productive. He explained this by comparing them to grape vines. In the vineyard the master gardener evaluated the productivity of different branches of the grape plant. If a branch was not productive it would be removed. If a branch was producing a lot of grapes it could be pruned so that it would produce even more grapes. God is the gardener. Jesus is the plant. We are the branches.
One can be a grape branch that is producing a lot of leaves, is robust and is pleasing to the eye. One can also be a grape branch that may not have many leaves but is loaded up with grapes.
God is not interested in people who just look like good Christians. Our works of service to others is the most beautiful thing to him. Let’s make some grapes.