Ephesians 4:17-19, describes the lifestyle of those who had rejected the teachings about Jesus.
- Their thinking was confused
- Their understanding was clouded
- They were excluded from the blessings of God because of their ignorance.
- They were hard headed
- They became callous and as a result engaged in every form of “sensuality” and “impurity”
These are also characteristics of people today. They reject God because they are unwilling to give up their… sexual misconduct, alcoholism, drug use and other forms of “sensuality” and “impurity”.
Even so called Christians confuse themselves by believing the lie that it is OK to sin every once in a while and God’s grace will cover whatever sins that we might occasionally engage in. God calls for us to hate sin and ruthlessly eliminate it from our lives. We are in fact to transform ourselves into the very picture of Jesus Christ.
Don’t let our society confuse you about how to live. Look with clarity into God’s revealed word and receive all his blessings.