We were talking in the Sunday night class tonight about the qualifications for Elders found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. One of the things an Elder must be is a teacher, which implies that he has a good background in the scriptures. Another implication from this, which should be self evident, is that the one seeking to be an Elder must know, not only what the work/purpose of the church is, but also how the Elder oversees and manages that work.
I think there are other qualifications for an Elder other than what are found in 1 Timothy and Titus. Read the parable of the talents in Mt. 25:14-30. Three servants with differing amounts of abilities are given responsibility according to their abilities. A case can be made that the one talent man who had the least amount of ability could meet the qualifications found in 1 Timothy and Titus, but would God want a man of small ability (leadership) overseeing his precious church? I think not.
The one talent man feared God and was too careful with the responsibility that God gave him. He was cursed for his mis-management. When I think about a five talent man I think about Peter. Peter made some mistakes but he was always pushing and always out on the edge. Peter wasn’t afraid to make mistakes and Jesus wasn’t afraid to let Peter make mistakes. Jesus harnassed Peter’s ability and Peter became a great servant.
That’s what we need today… great servant-elders. Prepare yourselves and ask for God’s help.