Heaven: Easy or Hard?
Jesus was asked a question that has a great deal of relevance for us today. He was asked, “Are only a few going to be saved?” (Luke 13:22-30) Jesus answered the question by stating that many will not be saved and they will not be saved because they didn’t exert any effort to do so.
On that great day, when Jesus gathers the few (who did make an effort), the many would be begging and pleading for Jesus to take them to heaven. In their pleas they would say…
- We ate and drank and socialized with you
- We listened to your teachings
If Jesus returns in 2013 to gather his people what might people of today say?
- I go to church on the major religious holy days; Christmas and Easter.
- I have a family Bible and I read it every once in a while.
- I say prayers.
- I watch church on TV and listen to religious music on the radio.
It takes effort to be a Christian, Jesus said we must be willing to give up everything to be one of his people and if we are not willing to do that he says we are evil and not worthy of him. He, after all, gave up everything for us. How could we do less?