How Bad is it to be Inhospitable?

In Matthew 10:5-15 we read of Jesus sending his 12 disciples in pairs to teach about the coming of the Kingdom and to perform miracles to validate that message. He told them not to pack anything for the trip that “worthy” hospitable people would take care of them. If people were not hospitable then they were to just ignore those “unworthy” people and leave. And then Jesus describes how bad of a sin it was to be inhospitable… he said that was it worse than the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. Think about that, Sodom and Gomorrah were very evil cities they practiced violence and homosexuality and oppressed righteous people. God destroyed those cities with fire and brimstone. I can just imagine the Judgment Day when we’re all waiting to be judged by God and God sends all the evil-doers from Sodom and Gomorrah to Hell and then looks at all the so-called Christians who were inhospitable and tells his Angels to send them to the hottest part of Hell. Let’s focus on what it means to be hospitable and make it a strong point in our lives.

A Glorious Wife (1-28-07)


Paul's Pattern for Evangelism