A Glorious Wife (1-28-07)
There's a concept that is sometimes missed in Eph. 5:22-33 which compares the church's relationship to Christ with the wife's relationship to her husband.
To paraphrase, Christ offered a conditional relationship to those who would believe in him. If believers would subject themselves in all things to his headship unconditionally he would accept them as his bride and love them in all things... unconditionally. His love would include giving up everything for them... ultimately his life (and everything in between). He had a purpose in this... he wanted "a glorious church (bride) without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."
Sometimes we see stormy marital relationships where the husband wakes up one day and comes to the conclusion that he doesn't love his wife anymore, in fact he doesn't even like her. She's not the kind of wife he wants. Whose fault is that... hers? Maybe... but maybe it's his fault.
If Ephesians teaches anything it teaches that Christ did some things to prepare a glorious church for himself. Some husbands want to just walk into headship without paying a price... without doing anything to demonstrate love for their wives. When the reality is that if she could see demonstrable love she might be a glorious wife and accept his headship.
So husbands if you ever get the feeling that you don't like your wife anymore... it may not be her fault. She is what you made her.
Full-grown Christians understand this concept. They have subtracted pride from their lives and replaced it with humility and appreciation (and headship) for the ones with whom they have mated with for life.