Prayer request for Mark Perkins
My cousin Mark Perkins has recently been diagnosed with Duodenal Adenocarcinoma. He is 52 years old. Here is an excerpt from what he sent out to our family...
"Because this cancer is so rare, it is difficult to make a lot of predictions, but his feeling is that without treatment I am looking at about 6 months, with chemo up to 2 years (with of course negative effects of the chemo)."
Please pray for Mark, he is very special to me and our family. I've attached a photo of Mark when he was in Corpus Christi for Walker and Jo-Len's wedding. To the right of Mark is David Smitherman. I've attached this photo so you can have a face to think about when you petition our God. The second photo is of the male cousins. There are a total of eleven Perkins cousins. Jana and Sharron are not pictured. Mark is the fourth from the left.
Here is Mark's e-mail...