About Cancer from Mom

Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love;
It cannot shatter hope;
It cannot corrode faith:
It cannot destroy peace;
It cannot kill friendship;
It cannot suppress memories;
It cannot silence courage;
It cannot invade the soul;
It cannot steal eternal life;
It cannot conquer the spirit.
Well this was not what we all wanted you to hear today about your new journey, cancer changes your life! Uncle Bob said, he would not want to go back to who he was! Cancer showed him how really blessed he had been and gave him a depth he would have never had! He kept a gratitude book while he was ill.
You have a fight on your hands, you have an example to set of how a godly man marches on, we have a God who loves and cares for us and holds our hand through all the things we have to go through.....He will be right beside you!!! So will everyone who loves and cares for you and maybe even some who don’t our God will listen to them all, he has our name written in the palm of His hand, He knows how many hairs are on our head....He is an awesome God!!
There are so many stories of people who miraculously over come the situation you are in, so many righteous people are praying for you , how wonderful is that!!!
Mark you are like a son to me, if I could I would take this cancer for you I would...................I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aunt Weenie

Church News Nov 2, 2008


Prayer request for Mark Perkins