Song Leader Tips

I sent this out before but am including it here so people can reference it better. At our last meeting someone raised the question about how many songs to lead at the various services. On Sunday mornings I figure I can lead 6-7 songs. For a traditional Sunday morning service (a la Jeff Carr) the preacher needs to be able to start preaching at 11:00 am. That gives him 30 minutes or so. If the Lord’s Supper is after the lesson then the preacher needs to be able to start preaching at 10:50 am. The Lord’s Supper and offering take about 10 minutes. On Sunday evenings the singing and Lord’s Supper need to be finished by 5:15 PM. That’s usually 3-4 songs. On Wednesday evenings the singing needs to be finished by 7:15 pm. That’s usually 3-4 songs. In addition, try not to switch between the gray songbook and the regular songbook too many times. I hear it is confusing to the older people. Sing from one then sing from the other. One of the biggest and yet easiest things we need to do is to use the mike. The older people tell me that when people are speaking from the Lord’s Supper table they cannot hear half the time. Put your mouth directly over the mike and speak into it. Thanks. Rob

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