Confessing Sins

James 5:16 “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” Different religious groups have different practices that are based upon this verse. The Catholic Church has a confessional booth where “confessing your sins” is done before a priest and is mandatory. Those who are affiliated with Churches of Christ typically confess their sins before the whole group. These confessions are generally very generic in nature and are voluntary. Each practice is generally consistent with the text but neither practice is the primary intent of the verse. First of all this instruction is not given to the church as an organization to establish some rule but is given to individual Christians. It is an individual responsibility. Secondly, this instruction is not given to receive forgiveness of sins. Only God can forgive sins and that is freely given to any who would pray directly to him. What then is the purpose of this verse? In my opinion the purpose of this verse is to build humility and closeness among Christians. Pride is the greatest weapon Satan possesses. When an individual can find another individual and tearfully recount the mistakes that have been made in the past, then that builds humility and unity. When Christians are unified and humble, each seeking the other’s good, then God’s light is shining in a dark world. It’s not easy confessing the worst about our selves. My suggestion is to find the person you are the closest in the world to, your husband or your wife, and practice confessing your faults. See what that will do for the two of you and then take the next step.

Nathan Turner


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