Survey Results: Subjects You Want More Preaching On

- Living a pure life. Practical not just theoretical. Marriage vs. living together
- Home and family
- Daily Christian living. Good works. Practical subjects
- More practical application
- Modern problems
- Sex
- Jeff: series on Fruit of the Spirit/works of the flesh and other text based lessons. David: contemporary issues as applied to Bible principles.
- Steps on being saved. Steps on improving Christian life.
- Bible basics
- All subjects even hard ones. More variety.
- Service to one another. Christian interaction. Call each other by name.
- Walking in the light with every day application. What to avoid. What to do properly. More on what it means to be part of the body. Serving others.
- Everyday Christian living. How to become a leader of the church (men and women)
- “was” and “am” as it pertains to who we were and who we now are. Self evaluation: Lord I was a will full sinner now I am your forgiven child.
- Christ, Love, Gospel.
- God’s love. Christian encouragement.
- Humanism. Relativity of Christian life on current life and times.
- No more comments about Homosexuals or America’s ruin or lack of school prayer or the like. Jeff’s sermon on Porn. was good, we need more stuff like that.
- Prioritizing personal life. Mentoring from older to younger Christians. Practical lessons in connecting with people from a different walk of life (race, age, etc.)

Survey Results: Your Comments on How to Improve Our Teaching Efforts


Survey Results: Areas the Congregation is Doing Well