Survey Results: Areas the Congregation is Doing Well
These are the responses to the question, "In what areas is the congregation doing well?"
- Friendliness
- Good teachers, lots of classes
- Improved singing. Members are tolerant and friendly.
- Accepting of new (different) individuals. Good prayers. Good Bible study.
- Very loving, helpful, hospitable congregation. Excellent teachers. Good teaching program.
- Love and concern for all.
- Faithfulness
- Close knit group. Bible classes and preaching good. Welcoming to visitors.
- Friendliness
- Caring for those members in need
- Not being judgmental
- Open friendly atmosphere
- Love and caring for each other
- Good work with international students.
- Loving and caring for each other. Opening homes up for studies, showers, etc. Love the diversity of cultures. Welcoming visitors. Singing. Willingness to serve elderly. Excellent adult class teachers.
- Welcoming to visitors (should be more welcoming to each other)
- All
- Supporting brethren in times of need. Handle disputes effectively. Eldership is strong.
- Very close knit family that cares for each other deeply.
- Love the family feel of the congregation.
- Basic teaching. Worship. Fellowship. Finances. Adult classes.
- Most everything.
- Plenty of conversation before and after services. On track with personal work and in home Bible studies.
- Friendliness
- Good teachers, lots of classes
- Improved singing. Members are tolerant and friendly.
- Accepting of new (different) individuals. Good prayers. Good Bible study.
- Very loving, helpful, hospitable congregation. Excellent teachers. Good teaching program.
- Love and concern for all.
- Faithfulness
- Close knit group. Bible classes and preaching good. Welcoming to visitors.
- Friendliness
- Caring for those members in need
- Not being judgmental
- Open friendly atmosphere
- Love and caring for each other
- Good work with international students.
- Loving and caring for each other. Opening homes up for studies, showers, etc. Love the diversity of cultures. Welcoming visitors. Singing. Willingness to serve elderly. Excellent adult class teachers.
- Welcoming to visitors (should be more welcoming to each other)
- All
- Supporting brethren in times of need. Handle disputes effectively. Eldership is strong.
- Very close knit family that cares for each other deeply.
- Love the family feel of the congregation.
- Basic teaching. Worship. Fellowship. Finances. Adult classes.
- Most everything.
- Plenty of conversation before and after services. On track with personal work and in home Bible studies.