Zechariah 11:16 describes the work of a Shepherd over his flock of people…
- Visit those who are about to perish
- Seek those who are straying away
- Heal the wounded
- Feed the sound
Visit Those Who are About to Perish
Elders should care for those elderly members in the congregation who have lived a long life in service to the Lord. Generally, they are at a point in their lives where their health is failing and much of their time is spent going to see doctors and taking medications. Additionally, many are widows who must bear the problems of life without a loved one to help and support them. Elders must lead the way in caring for the elderly in the congregation and motivate others to help.
Seek Those Who are Straying Away
Some versions render this, “Look after the young”. Older sheep learn to stay in the safety of the flock. They have been conditioned to be flock animals. It is usually the younger ones who stray whether it be in a flock or in a church. It would be difficult to even try to “drive” an older member from the congregation the young however are occasionally looking for something new and exciting. Elders need to recognize this and not let the young stray too far. They must be “herded” back and encouraged to develop good assembly habits.
Heal the Wounded
Sin has a “wounding” effect on us. Left untreated we can become spiritual cripples, maimed by unresolved sin. Elders need to be on the look out for behaviors that are not Christ-like and not be afraid of addressing those behaviors. Sin can cripple us but it doesn’t have to. God’s wonderful grace can make that wound go away so there is not even a scar left. Elders are a part of that healing process.
Feed the Sound
Proper nutrition prevents a lot of illnesses. Those who are “sound” need to be nourished so they can continue their growth as a Christian. Left unnourished and unchallenged the sound can become weak and lackadaisical in their spiritual responsibilities. When the sound are nourished properly they too can help the “perishing”, the “straying” and the “wounded”.
Elders have a responsibility to everyone in the congregation. They must recognize each person’s special needs. The goal is to present spiritually healthy and unblemished sheep to the Father. The reward will be great.
- Visit those who are about to perish
- Seek those who are straying away
- Heal the wounded
- Feed the sound
Visit Those Who are About to Perish
Elders should care for those elderly members in the congregation who have lived a long life in service to the Lord. Generally, they are at a point in their lives where their health is failing and much of their time is spent going to see doctors and taking medications. Additionally, many are widows who must bear the problems of life without a loved one to help and support them. Elders must lead the way in caring for the elderly in the congregation and motivate others to help.
Seek Those Who are Straying Away
Some versions render this, “Look after the young”. Older sheep learn to stay in the safety of the flock. They have been conditioned to be flock animals. It is usually the younger ones who stray whether it be in a flock or in a church. It would be difficult to even try to “drive” an older member from the congregation the young however are occasionally looking for something new and exciting. Elders need to recognize this and not let the young stray too far. They must be “herded” back and encouraged to develop good assembly habits.
Heal the Wounded
Sin has a “wounding” effect on us. Left untreated we can become spiritual cripples, maimed by unresolved sin. Elders need to be on the look out for behaviors that are not Christ-like and not be afraid of addressing those behaviors. Sin can cripple us but it doesn’t have to. God’s wonderful grace can make that wound go away so there is not even a scar left. Elders are a part of that healing process.
Feed the Sound
Proper nutrition prevents a lot of illnesses. Those who are “sound” need to be nourished so they can continue their growth as a Christian. Left unnourished and unchallenged the sound can become weak and lackadaisical in their spiritual responsibilities. When the sound are nourished properly they too can help the “perishing”, the “straying” and the “wounded”.
Elders have a responsibility to everyone in the congregation. They must recognize each person’s special needs. The goal is to present spiritually healthy and unblemished sheep to the Father. The reward will be great.