My Goals for Parkway in 2012

In no particular order...

1. More congregational picnics and Potlucks
2. Congregational Chats. On Sunday nights have Elders visit with the congregation (quarterly)
3. Focus on home Bible studies with non-members
4. Build a strong community of young adults/college students
5. Provide teaching opportunities for young men who have an interest in teaching.
6. More members involved in volunteer social organizations… Child Protective Services, Big Brother/Big Sister, etc.
7. Vacation Bible Schools in Apartment Complexes and Trailer Parks.
8. Bigger foot print at Texas A&M – Corpus Christi
9. Class to learn and practice songs (monthly)
10. First Wednesday services that are well thought out and inspirational.
11. One Gospel meeting per year on personal evangelism
12. Amazing Gospel meetings
13. An active and updated Website.
14. Song leaders who don’t lead new songs on Sunday mornings.
15. More services in the courtyard
16. Information packet for visitors
17. Add new songs to supplemental song book



A Few Thoughts on Sharing God’s Word with Other People