Two Become One or Two Remain Two?

In Ephesians 5 the relationship between Christ and the church is compared with the relationship between a husband and a wife.

Ephesians repeats what is stated in Genesis in regards to the husband and the wife. Namely, that the “two shall become one flesh”. This relationship is revealed as a “great mystery”. However, Ephesians states that this “mysterious” relationship also applies to Christ and his people.

In short, husbands and wives become one through a lifetime of sharing life’s troubles and life’s blessings. These experiences, when coupled with two people obeying God’s commands, regarding marriage, result in two people having a deep appreciation for each other and a mate that is highly valued and regarded as irreplaceable.

Too often in the early years of a marriage troubles seem insurmountable and the marriage and its vows are broken and the two remain two. In addition, even when the marriage remains intact, if God’s laws regarding marital responsibilities are not followed the two remain two. However, when the two overcome life’s obstacles and respect God’s laws, the two can become one. There is no greater physical blessing on earth.

Similarly people often give up on Jesus Christ and the process that leads to oneness with him. They give up on the three hallmarks of Christianity; Bible study, living sin free lives and lives of service to one another.

Just as there is no greater physical blessing than being one with a mate, there is no greater spiritual blessing than being one with Jesus Christ. Don’t miss out on the two greatest blessing God has to offer. Pay the price to make it happen.

Auditorium Class Summer 2011


David Garza... newest baptism.