Auditorium Class Summer 2011

The Man’s Role in the Family as a Husband

- Being a husband and loving your wife

- Leadership

- Stresses in Marriage - Finances

- Stresses in Marriage - Infidelity

- Stresses in Marriage – agreeing on how to raise kids

- The unbelieving or denominational mate

- The Loss of a Mate

- How to Disagree with your mate

The Man’s Role in the Family as a Father

- Fatherhood and young children

- Fatherhood and teen children

- Fatherhood and adult children

- Fatherhood and teaching a child "the way he should go"

- Fatherhood and nurturing vs. provoking (Eph 6)

- How to discipline a child

- Being a son to elderly parents

The first half of the summer will deal with husbandry, the second half with fatherhood. Our focus will be on providing speakers who are older and therefore more experienced. We will have younger speakers who will primarily speak about what they have seen in their parents and grandparents in regards to marital and parental relationships. The Elders will take the lead on these classes

Victoria Anne Perkins


Two Become One or Two Remain Two?