International Students
How often do you have someone ask you where you go to church and ask if they can visit? Probably not very often and yet that’s what happened at the singing Saturday night at Arlie’s place. We had six International students there from Texas A&M Corpus Christi… three Saudis and three Turks… all Muslims who want to visit our services.
The ESLI (English as a Second Language International) program offers International students in state tuition upon completion of the two year ESLI program. That must be a powerful attraction because there are approximately 500 International students at the university. Many of them have a great curiosity about American culture and Christianity.
About six months ago after Darrel Hymel reported on his work in China we contacted the office of International Education about starting a “conversation group”. Our interest in starting a conversation group was to mimic what Darrel Hymel was doing in China… taking advantage of student’s interest in learning English to expose them to Christianity.
We tried doing it off campus at first with minimal results and then we were given permission to move on campus. Since then we have had as many as six students at a time conversing with us and practicing their English. Most of them have been oriental students. Other religious organizations are involved in this as well… we are relative “late comers”.
We sent out an invitation, through our contact in the International Education office, to the International students to attend the singing/refreshments get-together at Arlie’s. Our contact asked if I would like to meet with the director of the ESLI program. I have an appointment this Tuesday. Jeff Carr is going with me.
Saturday night we not only had the six International students in attendance but also the director of the ESLI program and one of her assistants. The whole thing was greatly encouraging.
It seems that a lot of doors are opening for us. Please pray for this effort. In addition we need a female presence in our weekly conversation group meeting (Fridays at 4 pm). I’ve already asked Stefanie and she has agreed but one or two others would be really good.
The ESLI (English as a Second Language International) program offers International students in state tuition upon completion of the two year ESLI program. That must be a powerful attraction because there are approximately 500 International students at the university. Many of them have a great curiosity about American culture and Christianity.
About six months ago after Darrel Hymel reported on his work in China we contacted the office of International Education about starting a “conversation group”. Our interest in starting a conversation group was to mimic what Darrel Hymel was doing in China… taking advantage of student’s interest in learning English to expose them to Christianity.
We tried doing it off campus at first with minimal results and then we were given permission to move on campus. Since then we have had as many as six students at a time conversing with us and practicing their English. Most of them have been oriental students. Other religious organizations are involved in this as well… we are relative “late comers”.
We sent out an invitation, through our contact in the International Education office, to the International students to attend the singing/refreshments get-together at Arlie’s. Our contact asked if I would like to meet with the director of the ESLI program. I have an appointment this Tuesday. Jeff Carr is going with me.
Saturday night we not only had the six International students in attendance but also the director of the ESLI program and one of her assistants. The whole thing was greatly encouraging.
It seems that a lot of doors are opening for us. Please pray for this effort. In addition we need a female presence in our weekly conversation group meeting (Fridays at 4 pm). I’ve already asked Stefanie and she has agreed but one or two others would be really good.