Church News
Please add my mom to the family and friends prayer list. A week ago she slipped out of a rocking chair, and her right hand took the brunt of the fall. Although she has no broken bones, the doctor took more x-rays recently because he doesn't remember seeing an injury quite like this. Thank you, Sandy Case
Maggie Perez just called to say that her brother, George Cruz, has been sent home with hospice care. His organs have begun to shut down. She covets our prayers for the family.
Bonnie Davis' sister, Gennie Washington, who has been on our prayer list has passed away. Please pray for the family.
Courtney Snively's grandfather passed away last week.
Singing and refreshments this Saturday at 7 pm at Carriage Park Townhomes. See Arlie for more info.
Maggie Perez just called to say that her brother, George Cruz, has been sent home with hospice care. His organs have begun to shut down. She covets our prayers for the family.
Bonnie Davis' sister, Gennie Washington, who has been on our prayer list has passed away. Please pray for the family.
Courtney Snively's grandfather passed away last week.
Singing and refreshments this Saturday at 7 pm at Carriage Park Townhomes. See Arlie for more info.