Why Moses?

Why did God choose Moses to deliver his people out of Egypt?

1. Moses thwarted Pharaoh in three important areas.

- As a baby he survived Pharaoh’s edict that all male Hebrew children be killed.
- He escaped indoctrination in Egyptian culture.
- As a 40 year old man he escaped Pharaoh’s effort to kill him.

2. God uses people of humble origins to defeat the mighty.

Until Moses was 40 years old he was raised and trained as an Egyptian. He was raised as the grandson of Pharaoh himself. The scriptures say Moses was a “man of power in words and deeds” Acts 7:22.

After he fled Egypt he became a shepherd in a far off land for 40 years. At 80 years of age, when God called him to return to Egypt, he was no longer a man of “power in words and deeds”, but as he describes himself, “slow of speech and slow of tongue” Ex. 4:10. He is an 80 year old shepherd better suited to talk to sheep than to address Pharaoh the King of Egypt face to face.

3. God uses rejects to defeat the mighty.

Moses prophesied that God would “raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren”. That prophet would be Jesus Christ. So how was Jesus like Moses? He was rejected. The people rejected Moses at least twice, when the two quarreling Hebrews asked “Who made you to be a ruler and a judge?” Acts 7:35 and in the wilderness when they rejected Moses and wanted to return to Egypt, Acts 7:39.

Moses was the perfect man for God to use to deliver his people out of Egypt. From the time he was a baby he and his family thwarted Pharaoh. Although he once was a man of power he suffered rejection and was taught humility as a shepherd in the land of Midian. And finally, his life and experiences were used to teach Israel about the coming Messiah… Jesus Christ.

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