Find The Feeling

Here is a letter that the congregation received from the Neubauer family…

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This has been a very difficult letter for us to write. Although we spent a relatively short period of time in Corpus Christi, we quickly formed some very deep relationships and bonds. We certainly left family behind when we moved away. It would not be possible to ask for a better group of Christians to be associated with than those who worship at Parkway. The Christians at Parkway set a high standard of love for one to emulate. You have been and are a precious and unique gift to us. We thank you for the kindness and love that you showed our family. We hope to visit you from time to time and want you to know that our door is always open for any of you traveling west. We think of you and miss you daily.

The Neubauers

It’s good to get a letter like this. It feels good and on some level it validates what we are trying to do at Parkway, but to be honest probably not everyone who attends Parkway feels the same. For me, I want everyone to feel about the congregation just like the Neubauers feel. So how do we get there? How do we find that feeling?

I’m going to let you-all figure that out. The answer is out there. You can have a great experience at Parkway. Use the Neubauers as an example.

Why Moses?


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