Two Kinds of People
Genesis 25 tells the story of the birth of twin sons to Isaac and Rebekah. During the pregnancy “the children struggled within her”. The Lord revealed this to Rebekah…
“Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples shall be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.”
Thus, two sons were born; Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s progeny would go on to become the Hebrew nation and Esau’s progeny would become the nation of Edom. According to Law the oldest son Esau should have received the birthright and his father’s blessings. Instead, Jacob the younger son received both and Israel became a great nation and Edom became just a foot note in history.
I think this was a big teaching point for the nation of Israel (Hebrews). They were God’s chosen nation among all the nations of the world. Israel received the Law and had great promises made to her (Romans 9:4-5). However, just like Esau lost his birthright, Israel lost hers as well and God chose to have a people who were “circumcised in their hearts” rather than a people who carried a physical mark… “circumcised in their flesh”.
Israel should have recognized that message from the story of Esau and Jacob. More importantly we should recognize that message as well. God doesn’t want a people with just the outward marks of Christianity; He wants a people who are true believers and are faithful in their hearts. Live it.
“Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples shall be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.”
Thus, two sons were born; Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s progeny would go on to become the Hebrew nation and Esau’s progeny would become the nation of Edom. According to Law the oldest son Esau should have received the birthright and his father’s blessings. Instead, Jacob the younger son received both and Israel became a great nation and Edom became just a foot note in history.
I think this was a big teaching point for the nation of Israel (Hebrews). They were God’s chosen nation among all the nations of the world. Israel received the Law and had great promises made to her (Romans 9:4-5). However, just like Esau lost his birthright, Israel lost hers as well and God chose to have a people who were “circumcised in their hearts” rather than a people who carried a physical mark… “circumcised in their flesh”.
Israel should have recognized that message from the story of Esau and Jacob. More importantly we should recognize that message as well. God doesn’t want a people with just the outward marks of Christianity; He wants a people who are true believers and are faithful in their hearts. Live it.