Church News. January 25, 2010.


We have new content on our website. One sermon by David Smitherman on Revelation 7
and two from Darrell Hymel on Old Testament study.

After talking to Darrell Hymel, Jeff Carr and I went to a Meet & Greet at Texas A&M Corpus Christi to interact with international students. We made some valuable contacts. Please pray for this effort.

From Ruth Lara…

Prayer request for my sister in law Irma's dad, Camilo Tagle, he has several complications, and is having surgery tomorrow at Spohn Shoreline to remove stones from his kidneys., please keep him in your prayers.
thanks and God Bless

Jeremy Graf who had an ordeal with flesh eating bacteria is doing much better.

From Dianna Shaw…

Could you please add a friend of mine and Joe's to the prayer list. His name is Eric Flindt on the loss of his mother, Jo Flindt. They live in Portland and he has little family to help support him.

Two Kinds of People


Matthew 25: The Parable of the Talents