Take Away Our Temple and Nation

“If we let him keep on doing this, everyone will believe in him. Then the Romans will come. They will take away our temple and our nation.” John 11:48

This passage illustrates the mind set of the jewish leaders. If they let Jesus live and continue teaching the Romans would come and take over the nation and the priesthood… they were convinced of that. It’s not our purpose to investigate what led them to come to that conclusion but it is our purpose to ask what were the consequences of their reasoning.

Of course they killed Jesus and might have fooled themselves into believing that through that act they had preserved their position and nation.

However the hand writing on the wall was that they were doomed for that very act of killing Jesus.

You see kind reader God punishes the wicked and there was no greater act of wickedness than killing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

God punished the Jews in AD 70 with the very thing that they feared the most… the Romans taking away their place and nation.

But not only did the Romans take away the Temple… they razed it to the ground.

Not only did the Romans take the Jewish nation but they eliminated the High Priesthood so that it was forever gone.

Not only did the Romans take away the Jewish nation but they virtually exterminated the Jewish people and took the survivors into captivity and made them slaves.

In John 11:48 they were afraid that if they didn’t take Jesus down that the Romans would take over. Instead they killed Jesus and lost… everything. Far worse than what they had imagined.

What will you do with Jesus and just what are the consequences of rejecting him? Be careful… be very careful.


Jesus Casts Out a Widow


Camels and Early Inheritances