Spiritually Board Certified

A renowned and famous board certified Veterinary Internist once made the comment during a lecture that any Veterinarian who picked a subject, Kidney Disease for instance, and read up on that subject for 20 minutes every day would become an expert on that subject and equal to someone who is board certified

I suppose that’s good advice for any kind of occupation or for any kind of hobby.

What about for the Christian? What if a Christian picked a book/epistle or any Bible subject and studied on it for 20 minutes every day? What if, like the Internist, the Christian reviewed any new information written by experts that might come out? What if the Christian, like many Veterinarians, joined a chat group to discuss the subject of interest with other Christians?

That Christian conceivable could become an “expert” and could become a valuable resource to his local congregation and other congregations and maybe the world. He might publish his works. He might lecture.

What if in a congregation several members each chose a different subject and became experts? What would that congregation look like?

What are we waiting for to achieve something that great and that only costs 20 minutes a day? The five talent man would probably spend 40 minutes a day.


Martha, Mary and Lazarus


Mrs. Zebedee’s Request