Old Clothes, Old Wine Skins and Old Moses
No one patches old clothes with a piece of fabric from new clothes because it destroys the new clothes and doesn’t look good on the old clothes.
No one puts new unfermented wine in an old wine container because as the wine ferments and expands it will destroy the old container and the wine will be spilled and lost.
New unfermented wine must be put into new containers that are designed to expand when the wine ferments and expands.
The old clothes are the Mosaic Law. You don’t tear up the Law of Jesus Christ (the Law of Love) and use it to try to patch and fix the Mosaic Law. You ruin both that way. Get rid of the old garment and wear the new garment.
The new unfermented wine is the Law of Jesus Christ. It can’t ferment and taste good if it is stored within the container of the Law Of Moses because the Law of Moses is too small to contain the Law of Jesus Christ.
The container of the Law of Moses was the nation of Israel
The container of the Law of Jesus Christ is the whole world. And thats’s a wine that tastes far superior to the wine of the Law of Moses.
So don’t try as some tried to make the Law of Jesus Christ a patch on the Law of Moses and don’t try to hem Jesus in with the Law of Moses because he’ll just naturally break out.
Let Jesus be unique like he is and let him stand on his own.
Put on the dandiest garment there is and taste the drink that tastes like no other.