Non-Ordinary Wisdom

James 1:5, “If any f you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives liberally… and it shall be given to him”

Pretty nice promise right?

Of course there are several ways of acquiring ordinary wisdom. We get ordinary wisdom by learning from our mistakes. We also can get ordinary wisdom from watching others and learning from them.

We can get ordinary wisdom from reading the Bible. In fact you don’t even have to believe in Jesus Christ to get wisdom from the scriptures.

But the wisdom promised in James chapter 1 is not ordinary wisdom at all, far from it… it is special wisdom special because it is a gift from God and the only thing we have to do is be in a relationship with him through belief in Jesus Christ and just ask for that special non-ordinary wisdom.

We should not only ask for God’s wisdom for ourselves but also on behalf of others who are ruining their lives with stupidity and ignorance.

What a great gift… don’t ignore it. Believe in what God says.


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