Medals and Humility
I read an obituary in the Corpus Christi Caller Times last week. The subject of this particular obituary was a retired Lt. Col from the army. He lived 92 years on this earth.
His children wrote the obituary for the old widower and mentioned that when they were cleaning out the garage they came across a box that contained some medals… the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, Silver Star and Bronze Star.
They were astonished… they had no idea. He had never mentioned any of those great honors. I think if I was one those kids I would have just sat there and cried. They don’t just hand out those kind of medals to just anyone. He had risked his life at great peril and shed his own blood probably to save his own men.
That my friends is great humility… to achieve so much and not ever mention it to anyone.
There’s a great lesson to be learned by that in our spiritual warfare. Don’t dwell on what you have done… how many people you have baptized, how popular you are as a preacher, how you defeated someone in a debate, how much money you gave to the poor, etc. Just keep working for God and don’t even think about what you’ve done in the past and keep your good deeds a secret between you and God.
2 Corinthians 5:10 says we will give an accounting before the throne of Jesus Christ for both the good things and the bad things we have done.
I don’t know what that venue is going to be like… if its private or public, but if it were public and you were watching your mom or your dad kneeling before Jesus and Jesus just went on and on about the good things your parents had done… maybe things you never even knew about wouldn’t that make you proud? Wouldn’t you just tremble at each word spoken?
I wish I had known Lt. Col John W. Dean, retired. He must have been quite a man and if you ask me… deserved the Medal of Honor for humility.