Lessons From Former Employees
Lessons from Former Employees
Over the years I’ve seen a lot of employees come and go and am generally not too surprised at the process.
Some will get mad for some reason and just walk off the job… no notice or anything. They put not only the business in a bind but also their former fellow employees.
Some give notice and especially if they have been a long term employee we’ll give a card or a gift or buy lunch or have a going away party and we wish them well and mean it too. We’ve had more than one employee leave but come back later because they missed the work, the camaraderie and everything we do. Sometimes the grass is not greener.
Like I say… I’m never very surprised at the way people leave except for what happened the other day.
We had a long term employee who was one of our best who found a better opportunity and we wished her well and did all the things we do for someone like that.
On the day that she left she brought breakfast for everyone at work and on the following Saturday night threw a party at her house for all her fellow employees. Wow… I’ve never seen the like. To my best knowledge she isn’t even a Christian… she was just raised right. Color me impressed.
There’s a great lesson in that for Christians who may leave a job abruptly, call names, write ugly google reviews and the like. What kind of impression are you leaving? Would you be welcomed back? If they knew you were a Christian would they like to come visit services?
Sometimes we all let our emotions get the best of us and do things we might later regret. There’s a remedy for that… go and tell the person or former employer you regret your actions and the things that you said. Maybe even bring them breakfast one day. I’m telling you that will get their attention and God’s attention too.