Events From God… Local, City-wide and the Whole Earth
When Jesus was born God sent an Angel to some shepherds to inform them of what happened. Other Angels and the “Heavenly host” appeared and with their voices praised God. He also sent a star that could be seen from the east so that wise men could follow it and find Jesus and when they found him they identified him as The “King of the Jews” and they worshipped that little baby Jesus.
When Jesus was crucified and killed God put out the sun so that all was in darkness. God also caused an earthquake and rocks were split open and many of God’s holy people who had died became alive again and walked out of their tombs.
The things that God did at the birth of Jesus were different than the things he did at the death of his son. The things God did in the small town of Bethlehem were smaller and to a select group than the things he did in the capital city of Jerusalem where everyone in the city could see what was happening.
When Jesus comes in his glory it will be on an even more massive scale… not just small groups of people like at his birth or even a whole city like Jerusalem at his death.
Jesus will descend from Heaven on the clouds with his mighty Angels and every eye on the earth will be able to see him. There will be noise… “a cry of command”, “voices of the arch angels” and “the sound of the trumpet of God.” There will also be a great “wailing from all the tribes of the earth”
And at his judgment “the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.”
The first two miraculous events have already occurred and were seen by witnesses and written about for our benefit. Let me suggest that the third promised event will be just as real.
Don’t be among all the “wailing tribes of the earth”. Be saved from that wondrous and terrible event by believing in Jesus and by being washed in his blood so that you can be among all the rejoicing tribes of the earth gathered around the throne of God.