Filet Mignon vs. Hamburger

In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul calls the Corinthian Christians “babes in Christ” who aren’t ready for the “meat” of the word. They had failed to mature as Christians.
Hebrews 6 sheds additional light on this figure of speech. Everyone who is still on the “milk” of the word is “without experience of the word of righteousness”
These spiritual infants are contrasted with spiritual “full-grown men” who are able “by reason of use have their senses exercised to differentiate between good and evil”
The Corinthians who were spiritual babies were actively engaged in sin… they gloried in who baptized them and in so doing diminished those who were baptized by someone else. They failed to “differentiate between good and evil” in their failure to take action against fellow members who were actively engaged in fornication and they had civil law suits against each other. They were whiney little thumb sucking spiritual babies.
Full grown Christians can not only differentiate between the black and white of sin but also are wary of those gray areas… like where a gray activity might lead.
For instance, I made it a policy in my life not to eat lunch or any other kind of meal (by myself) with a woman who was not my wife. Why? because of where it might lead.
I have a friend who is a drug rep. and in the course of his business would go out to eat with young pretty women who were also drug reps. As a friend I told him that if I was him I would not engage in that behavior. He responded… but thats my job.
The next week he told me he had mentioned our conversation to his wife and continued… Rob, why would I go eat a hamburger when I have Filet Mignon at home? I responded, I like Filet Mignon too but every once in a while I like a hamburger.
Grow up as Christians and not only stay away from that black, black sin but also stay away from activities that could lead you in that direction.
Think of all the consequences. Remember 1 Corinthians 10:13

Disfellowshipping and Attendance


Fornication in 1 Corinthians 5