Creation: Possibilities and Probabilities

When I was in Veterinary School they taught us that as diagnosticians we lived in a world of probability not possibility and they illustrated it like this…
If you were standing on one side of the barn and heard some hoof beats what would you expect to see? A Tibetan Ox? A Giraffe? A Camel? An Oryx?
Those are all possibilities but are any of them probabilities? No they are not. Don’t be surprised to see a cow or horse come around the corner.
When we consider the testimony of nature we can clearly see that the earth had a beginning and has a complexity to it that cannot be duplicated by the smartest of humanity and cannot be reasonably explained by being an accident.
So as diagnosticians what do we conclude? There are a lot of possibilities but the probability is that the earth and all the life on it were created by an intelligent being. Are the Big Bang theory and specific evolution possibilities? Yes they are but they are not likely or probable.
It’s then that we turn to the Bible record to find that intelligent being that was responsible for it all.
Someone told me one time that if you sat a monkey down in front of a type writer and gave him enough time that eventually he could type out the Declaration of Independence. That’s ridiculous… I know monkeys… they would tear the typewriter up and defecate all over it.
Don’t waste your time and life chasing after every little possibility that exists. Follow after probabilities and keep your eyes open for the rare possibility that might pop up.
Examine nature carefully and carefully investigate the Holy Scriptures it's possible and probable that you will find God.

The Trouble with Tithing


Eldership: Seating, Texting, etc.