Living Water and God's Garden

We’ve been in a drought here in South Texas since before January. We really never had a spring it’s been so dry. Of course you can keep the plants alive with city water but they really don’t thrive. To compound that in early February we had a historic freeze that killed a lot of vegetation that wildlife lives on. So it’s been pretty sad around here.
For the past two days we’ve had rain… four inches of rain at my house. This morning when I got up and went outside the White Wing dove were singing their hearts out and as I checked our plants they were putting on new growth and leafing out.
That city water has been worked over pretty hard by the water department and is laden with chemicals so it can be safe for our consumption. It can keep plant life alive but just barely. The water that falls out of the heavens is really what vegetation needs and thrives on… and it’s what people need too.
I see congregations that are watered with “city water”. The water has been sanitized, chemically treated, bottled up and labeled by human beings. When congregations are fed this kind of water they’re kind of like plants… stunted and not much growth, collectively or individually,
When congregations are fed the “living” water which comes from Heaven people are growing spiritually and the congregation is growing collectively because people would rather live in and are attracted to a garden watered from Heaven.
As leaders let’s do our best to provide what the plants in God’s garden need… the kind of water they can thrive and grow on. And if we look at our “work” and see that it’s stunted and sad let’s take a long look at what we’re doing and make whatever corrections we can.

The Limitation of Miracles and Spiritual Growth


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