Church Life and Pearls of Teaching
Most people would say that I have above average Bible knowledge. As I look back through the years one of the reasons would be that for the last 30-40 years I have been continuously teaching. I taught an adult Bible class continuously for many years and then I decided that as an Elder I needed to develop a better relationship with the kids growing up in the congregation so I signed myself up to teach one quarter per year for the Middle School class and one quarter per year in the High School class.
Keep in mind… I know all the kids in the congregation and they are friendly with me on a superficial level as happens when you just interact superficially.
Since I have been teaching those classes the last 2-3 years I am much closer to them. I not only go over the Bible lesson with them but ask them questions about what’s going on in their lives and share what’s going on in mine. It’s been transformational for me and one of the best things I have done.
It has also been good for me to tap a member who needs to be more involved to be an assistant teacher. They get to know the kids better, they get to know me better and they have a more in depth exposure to the scriptures. They have a better connection with the congregation.
Most people who are unhappy with their church-life are their own worst enemies. Even Stevie Wonder can see that the tools are there for a rich church/spiritual life… you just need to expend the effort to reach and pick up one of those tools.