Joseph, Daniel, Esther/Mordecai forerunners of...

There’s a common motif that is repeated throughout the Bible… a person of faith (man or woman) with humble beginnings rises to great heights being blessed by God and those blessings extend to the people around that person.
Let’s look at three examples… Joseph, Daniel and Esther/Mordecai.
Joseph of course was hated by his brothers and sold into slavery. He excelled as a slave and ascended to second in command of the nation of Egypt (behind only Pharaoh). Joseph was a Jew and the Egyptians despised Jews and would not even eat with them. God blessed Joseph and as a result Pharaoh and the nation of Egypt was also blessed.
Daniel as a young Jew of noble birth was taken into the Babylonian captivity and made to serve in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. After many challenges (that Daniel overcomes with his faith) he is made…
“Ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed in charge of all its wise men.”
God blessed Daniel and the nation of Babylon was also blessed.
Esther and her father-figure Mordecai are Jews in the Medo-Persian Empire. The queen of the empire has been demoted and a new queen is being sought. Esther is one of 127 beautiful women competing for that honor and the young Jewish maiden is selected. She is wife and queen to the most powerful King of the world. Mordecai is also elevated to the number two political position of the empire. Esther and Mordecai overcame trials of racism and threats of death to reach their positions. God’s blessings extended to the Medo-Persian Empire because of Esther and Mordecai.
Let’s re-examine the motif… humble beginnings, faith, God blesses the faithful and the nations they are associated with. Note that in these three examples non-Jewish nations are blessed. Nothing recorded in the Bible is accidental or just serves for entertainment value.
Consider Jesus Christ… humble beginnings, no formal education, he is persecuted for his faith and teachings… even to death, but arises to sit at the right hand side of Jehovah God and all nations are blessed… Jew and Gentile… past, present and future.
All these stories in the Bible lead us to Jesus Christ and give us great confidence that no matter what our position in life is, no matter how we are mistreated no matter… anything. Maintain and cultivate your faith and God will bless you too and… maybe, just maybe bless your family, your city, your state and your nation.

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