How to Find Lost Sheep

The context of Matthew 18 begins with a question from Jesus’ disciples… “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
Jesus answers by talking about humility and receiving “little ones” and not causing them to stumble.
He continues by asking them if they had 100 sheep and 1of them strayed wouldn’t they leave the 99 to go find the lost 1?
He concludes that story with the statement…”even so it is not the will of God that one of these “little ones” should perish.
Here are some questions that should be asked… Who is the owner of the sheep? Who are the 99 sheep? Who is the lost sheep and how do we find and bring the lost sheep back? I think those questions are answered in verses 15-17.
18:15a. If your brother sins (or sins against you), go and show him his fault.
The lost sheep is the sinner who is also a “little one”. His fault or sin makes him lost.
18:15b. If he hears you, you have gained your brother back.
In this story the one looking for the sheep is his spiritual brother. He takes “ownership” of the other sheep by caring for their safety.
18:16-17. If he won’t listen take two or three witnesses and if he won’t hear them tell it to the congregation.
The congregation are the 99 other sheep who have not strayed.
Here’s the thing about the “little ones” who are trapped in the web of sin. We should make every effort to pull them loose. All of us should, not just the Preacher, Elders or Deacons. We do that by approaching the individual and identifying his sin. If we are rejected we don’t give up. We take a few others with us. If we are rejected we still don’t give up. The whole congregation tries to pull this “little one” out of his sin.
God doesn’t want to lose any of his “little ones” his mechanism for achieving that is the action of the other Christians. Pride and indignation over another’s sin is counter-productive.
The Christian arms himself with humility and loving concern to bring the lost sheep back. Sometimes in spite of all this the sheep won’t come back to the flock. That sheep is no longer part of the flock and all relationships are severed.
However, remember the prodigal son… that relationship was also severed but the sheep eventually made his way back.
The greatest ones in the Kingdom are those care and sacrifice for their brother sheep. Be great through sacrifice.

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