How to Figure Out Who Is the Greatest

In John 13, the disciples were having a little argument among themselves about who was the greatest. I’m sure each of them had a little evidence to support their claim.
That’s kind of natural, I know among the three brothers (Me, Scott and Greg) sometimes I wonder… who makes the most money? Who is the most successful? Who is the strongest? Who is the funniest? Who does mom love the most? Things like that.
So Jesus is listening to all this and he tells them… that’s the world’s way, not my way. Jesus’ way is the way where one who serves others the most is the greatest.
Now… none of them thought they were greater than Jesus but Jesus had just stated a “rule of greatness” and he had to demonstrate that the rule applied to him as well. So he got down on his hands and knees and started washing their feet… 12 pairs of feet… 24 in all. Keep in mind… they had the ability to wash their own feet.
Jesus could have said… Peter, I’m going to wash your feet and then you wash John’s feet, and then John you wash James’… so forth and so on. And still get the message across. But that’s not what he did… he wanted each and every one of them to know that their Lord and Savior had personally washed their feet and that they were all EQUAL!
And I’ll bet Jesus did a bang up job of washing feet… those had to have been some of the cleanest feet in Jerusalem… maybe in the whole county… even Judas’ feet were spotless.
OK present day application since we don’t wash feet any more. What if you decided that once a month you were going to mow another member’s lawn… someone who has a good lawnmower and a strong back. You just show up one day and start at it and not only mow it but edge it and clean up afterwards. In fact, when you finish it's the best that lawn has ever looked. What if you did that? What if you served in that way?
It’s natural to compare ourselves to each other… after all it’s a human thing right? But we're not humans... we're the bride of Christ… we are “one” with him and we are sons and daughters of God. That has to mean that we have a little deity in us right? At least in the way deity acts. Let’s quit acting like a bunch of humans and start acting like God and then you will be really great.



Church as a Flock, Vineyard and Army