Don't Mess with the Bride of Christ
In Acts 9 the holy record states that Saul was persecuting the Christians. On the road to Damascus Jesus got his attention and said “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?”
That’s an important point… persecution (and anything else we do to Christians) is the same as doing it to Jesus Christ!
If we slander, malign, ignore, ridicule (all negatives) our brethren we are actually doing those things to Jesus Christ.
Let’s look at the other side of that coin. If we show compassion, love, patience (anything positive) then we must also be doing these things to Jesus Christ… right?
How can that be? Maybe it’s because Christians are the “Bride of Christ” and the two have become “one flesh” and whatever one does to the bride they also do it to the bride groom.
Don’t mess with Christ’s bride or talk bad about her. He loves her with all his heart and won’t stand for it.