Discontinue Sunday Night Services?

I got a question last week from a church leader about what I thought about cancelling Sunday night services and meeting for three hours on Sunday mornings. Never one to mince words I said… I don’t like it. It’s a question I’ve fielded several times in the 23 years I’ve been an Elder at Parkway and I’ve had plenty of time to think about it.
Usually the reason given for making a move like that is to make it easier for the members who live further out to cut down on their driving time. Keep in mind I live about 25 minutes out depending on how I hit those stoplights. If Julie’s driving it’s about 21 minutes.
The first reason I don’t like it is I don’t want to meet for three hours on a Sunday morning.
It’s hard for me to do anything (that’s not very active) for three hours. I know Paul preached until midnight but a young man did fall to sleep and fell out of a window and died. I’m just saying.
Secondly, I like Sunday night services and never ever even think about the drive. Sunday nights are less formal and more relaxed. We get to go to Bible class and I have to stay on my toes in case Marc asks me a question. I rely on Bible classes to stimulate my thinking so I can write blog articles. I like watching the young kids play in the courtyard and I like getting together with other Christians Sunday night after church.
I like Sunday nights because we get to use people… like song leaders, teachers and others who aren’t quite ready for prime time on Sunday mornings. If you did away with Sunday night services you lose those opportunities for growth.
I told this church leader that if Parkway (for instance) cancelled Sunday night services that some of our members would look to attend somewhere else on Sunday nights and count me among that number. I can imagine if I started attending somewhere else on Sunday nights and they said things like brother Perkins do you mind leading a prayer or if they asked me to help them out leading songs or teaching classes or preaching or you name it, that before long I might start thinking… I really like these people and they like me… maybe I ought to be a member here.
I happen to know of specific congregations who have discontinued Sunday night services and lost members all because they didn’t want to inconvenience their members who might have to drive a little farther.
In case you haven’t noticed I consider Parkway my life’s work and I am extremely proud of her… extremely. I will do everything and anything to protect the congregation and stimulate her to be better. If I miss any services you can be sure there is a solid reason. Where the sheep are is where you’re going to find me.
When folks say bad things about the congregation it’s like they are saying bad things about me. When they reject the congregation and go somewhere else I take it personally… I pretend not to but I do.
So, would I ever be in favor of doing something like dismissing Sunday night services and potentially harm the congregation? You know the answer.

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