Beautiful Homes and Beautiful Lives
Julie and I built our home about 25 years ago. We contracted it ourselves and did a lot of the work ourselves (painting, finish carpentry, floors, etc.) We did a lot of the work ourselves because we couldn’t afford the things we liked unless we did the work ourselves (we were poor).
Over the years we have accumulated antiques and other nice things that suit our tastes. We still visit antique shops but only occasionally buy things if we think the items are worthy of replacing what we already have.
Consider, 2 Timothy 2:20-26…
“In a large house there are articles not only of silver and gold but also of wood and clay… if a man removes the wood and clay items (from his life) he will be an instrument for noble purposes… made holy, useful to the master and prepared to do any good work.”
Of course the author is using the figure of furnishing a house (by replacing things of lessor worth with things of greater worth) to furnishing a life with things of great worth to God.
Specifically, if there are things in your life like “evil desires of youth”, “engaging in stupid arguments” and “quarreling” those things need to be replaced with “kindness to everyone” and “not being a resentful person” and “gentle instruction”
I’m sure there are a host of other examples of things that need to be replaced but these are specifically mentioned in the text.
But look here… the purpose behind replacing these things is so that one can be made “useful to the master”. For a young evangelist like Timothy it would be so that he could lead folks to a knowledge of truth so that they will come to their senses and escape the trap that Satan has set for them.
Julie and I have furnished our home with things that we like because it brings us great pleasure especially when guests come into out home who appreciate the same things that we like.
Julie and I both attend a lot of estate sales and see all the accumulations of things that people have made being distributed and sold off. The other day at an estate sale Julie told me that it made her sad because one day that would be us… and she’s right about that.
It’s OK to have a nicely furnished home but it is so much better to have a nicely furnished life because with that life you are useful to the Lord and on earth folks can look at you and say things like… look there goes a real Christian.
And as we walk through the pearly gates of Heaven angels will be waiting to shake your hand and say… we’ve been looking for you… well done faithful servant!
Identify those ugly things in your life and replace them with beautiful things… you won’t be sorry.