When Joseph was 17 years old God communicated with him through a couple of dreams. The only problem was that God didn’t tell him what the dreams meant. One dream was an agricultural dream about “sheaves” bowing down to him. The other was a celestial dream about the Sun, Moon and 11 Stars bowing down to him.
Throughout his life he never forgot those dreams… when he was sold as a slave he remembered them, when he was thrown in an Egyptian prison he remembered and when he was elevated into Pharaoh’s house-hold he remembered.
At some point God quit communicating to Joseph in dreams (at least we have no record of that) and began interpreting the dreams of others. In the Egyptian prison he correctly interpreted the dreams of two fellow prisoners and started his reputation.
When Joseph was 30 years old he was called into Pharaohs presence to interpret his dreams and with the interpretation was made second in command of all Egypt.
Eventually we come full circle to Joseph’s dreams from when he was 17 years old. His brothers come to Egypt to buy grain because of the great famine. Genesis 42:9 says… “He remembered the dreams.” The “sheaves” and the “Sun/moon/stars” bowing down to him were his own family paying homage to him.
Hebrews 1:1-2, states that in old times God communicated to his people in different ways (including dreams) but in our times communicates to us through Jesus Christ.
We, like Joseph, may not fully understand everything about God and what he expects of us but if we will follow His simple truths about faith, hope and love all will be well with us.
Joseph had a lot of misfortunes in his life but held on to the message God sent him in his dreams and all turned out very well for him.
Sometimes the road might be a little rough for us and might take a few turns we hadn’t anticipated. We might begin to question our faith and wonder where in the world is God when I need him the most?
Remember Joseph and keep your faith in God and one day you’ll look back at your path just like Joseph did and see God was with you the whole time.