David the Shepherd Boy Who Would Become King
From his youth David shepherded his father’s flocks of sheep. In all probability he carried his camping equipment on a cart. He would build his own fire and cook his own meals and clean up after himself. His dad would send him supplies from time to time. Shepherds might spend months to years away from towns and town life.
During the day he watched the sheep graze all day long and cared for all their needs. Undoubtedly he helped the ewes deliver their lambs and helped clean them up and assisted them in learning how to nurse and whatever else they needed.
During his free time he became expert with a sling and could kill (with a stone) an eagle that might prey upon a baby lamb. Those sling propelled stones could also fend off and kill larger predators like wolves, coyotes, lions, etc.
David also in his hours of being alone learned to play musical instruments and composed songs. Those songs were sung to his audience of sheep to calm them down when needed. David also spent a lot of time looking at nature and contemplating God… praying and singing songs of praise to him.
David learned to be Shepherd of Israel by shepherding sheep. He understood about taking care of God’s flock of people and seeing to their needs. He killed the Philistine giant Goliath who was threatening God’s flock Israel with a sling propelled rock to the head just like he had done many times before when predators threatened his sheep.
David sang to his people about God and wrote poetry about the God he had learned about while tending sheep. Nature is a great teacher.
When David was off in those far away pastures grazing sheep he had no idea he would one day be King of Israel (and no one else did either) but God knew. You may think you have the smallest and most insignificant job in the world but set your eyes and the course of your life on God because God can do great things with humble people.