Lessons from Sheep: Defense!

In the Bible God’s people are often referred to as a flock of sheep and those in charge of God’s sheep/church are called Shepherds or Pastors.
There are probably a lot of reasons for describing the church as a flock of sheep but one very important reason is because sheep depend upon each other for defense.
Sheep don’t have fangs or claws like a lion. They aren’t swift enough to out run a wolf. They can’t spray repulsive scent like a skunk and they can’t camouflage themselves.
So what can they do? In the wild they can group together in a solid circle with the Rams and older animals on the periphery and the younger and weaker in the interior. A solid front can be intimidating to a predator and the predator may skulk off waiting until an unsuspecting lamb wanders off from the protection of the group to acquire his prey.
Of course domestically, a flock of sheep has a Shepherd who is constantly vigilant watching out for the flock… so too the church.
Just as flocks gather together to ward off predators, Christians congregate together and strengthen each other by learning about God, learning how to lead sin free lives and by learning what it means to live a life of service until Faith is built up and fortified.
Once Faith is mature and the Soldier of Christ is fully armored the great lion Satan will skulk away in fear. Especially if he is facing an army of Christian soldiers.
Remember what Jesus told Peter?
“Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”
There are a lot of reasons to congregate together with other Christians and defense is one of those… even sheep know that

Lessons from Sheep: Value


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