Most Bible students are familiar with the story of Esau. He was the oldest son of Isaac and Rebecca and as such was set to receive the “birth right” that his father (Isaac) had received from his father (Abraham). Of course that “birth right” was the great promise made to Abraham that through him and his heirs, “all nations would be blest” (along with the other promises).
Esau however traded his “birth right” for a bowl of red stew. The scripture says he “despised his birth right”. The Hebrew writer (12:16) describes Esau as godless.
Let me suggest that Esau’s despising of his “birth right” foreshadows the Jews despising of their “birth right” by their rejection of Jesus Christ.
Esau was so hungry for food (and didn’t at the time truly understand the value of his “birth right”) that he traded it off for a bowl of stew. He was godless and didn’t believe in the promise of God.
The Jews were so hungry for their position of authority in their nation that they couldn’t recognize the value of Jesus Christ and sacrificed him to maintain their position among the Jewish nation and the Roman Empire. They too were godless and didn’t believe in the promises of God.
Later in life Esau deeply regretted his hasty decision and begged his father with tears to receive the blessing of the “birth right” but it was too late. It was also too late for the ones who killed Jesus Christ.
The story of Esau also foreshadows events for us today. God still makes great promises to mankind. The wise will contemplate the great value of those promises and act accordingly. The foolish will reject them and chase after the pleasures in this life. What is it going to be… will we be wise or foolish? Learn the lesson of Esau. He is speaking to you and I.