A Few Odds and Ends

Here are a few notes that I’ve written in my Bible over the years
- The branch that bears the most fruit bends the lowest.
- The central feature of Satan’s power is pride.
- Is a religious practice consistent with who God is and with his character?
- How we understand the Bible depends on the lens we look through… It cannot be understood? Old Testament is of little value? Is the New Testament a pattern?
- The first Law of physical life is self-preservation. The first Law of spiritual life is self-sacrifice.
- Most denominations are the same morally and only differ doctrinally.
- When we withhold joy we reveal a darkness of heart.
- Anger distorts reality, creates extreme emotions and leads to harmful behavior.
- When we’re justified it’s like we have never sinned.
- Good deeds, without confession, is self-promotion.
- The oldest son had not been sick with sin, had not lost his reputation and had not lost his self-respect… his younger brother (the Prodigal Son) had.
- God’s grace was the free gift of Jesus Christ.
- God’s grace; over emphasized by some, under emphasized by others and misunderstood by many.
- Two ways people become believers… through logic and through emotion. The reality is we need both.
- Baptism is not the finish point… it’s the starting point.
- Because I can only do a little… I do nothing.
- Service is manifested in menial things.

Growing Christians


The Tears of Jesus