I went to the funeral for Ofelia Guzman today. I find that in this point of my life I’m attending more and more funerals. Today I got there early so I could have a seat and was visiting with all the people, learning family connections and giving my condolences. Luis Torres (Ofelia’s brother-in-law) was the speaker and one thing he said that sticks in my mind was that he thought God had looked down on Ofelia and said “you’ve suffered enough… it’s time to come home.”
The Guzman’s children attended at Parkway and I know them very well. Every time I see Ron he calls me “Guero” and every time I see him I call him “Uncle Ronnie” (because that’s what his niece and nephew call him.)
As we were filing out of the auditorium today and everyone was expressing condolences to the family I saw Uncle Ronnie sitting next to his Dad and the emotions hit me and all I could do was shake hands. See… you would think I would be prepared for that because it happens at every funeral I go to… but no it always catches me by surprise.
When I was standing by the hearse I was still choked up. Uncle Ronnie came up and said… It’s Ok Guero. But at the internment Uncle Ronnie was going around asking people if they needed anything (like water) and I said, yeah I’ll take a Whataburger with cheese, fries and a Coke and he grinned and said that’s my Guero!
I see my parent’s generation quickly fading away and know that there are some big funerals awaiting me. We’ve lost three old timers at church this year and there are several more right behind them.
It’s at times like these that we need God the most… when we hand over our most beloved to him to care for them forever.
I lost my Dad when he was 62 years old. I still ask God to find him and tell him that I love him.
Oh and by the way, Ron and Sylvia Guzman drove all the way from Corpus Christi to Houston to attend my Dad’s funeral in 1998. I’ll never forget that.
I’m always torn about what would be best… for me to attend Julie’s funeral or for her to attend mine. We’re hoping that God takes us at the same time. We know there’s no marriage In Heaven but Julie says maybe we can hold hands.
I attend a lot of funerals and I’m glad to attend them because it reminds me that this life won’t last forever and every day I live brings me one day closer to eternity.
Rest in eternal peace Ofelia… you have lived well.